Below, we've reposted a great piece written by Joe Ropp of the Homes Alive Pet Centre in Alberta. Joe enjoys communicating about his work with others through the articles he writes for the Homes Alive blog. You can visit the Homes Alive blog right here for interesting stories and helpful tips about your pond, your fish and more.
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Written by: Joe Ropp
Product Review: Laguna Pond Clean Granules

Relying on the scientific process of oxidation, these granules have an almost magical quality to them. You simply sprinkle the powder on the areas of your pond that have excess algae, or any other organic debris. You can instantly see results.
The algae and debris will either begin to float to the surface, where it can easily be skimmed off, or it will disappear completely. Laguna Pond Clean Granules are particularly effective for cleaning rocks and waterfalls.
The oxidation process has other added benefits. The pond clean granules noticeably enhance water quality in the hours after application.
Being a product that relies on contact to work, it is important to turn off the water flow before application, and then restart it after 10 -15 minutes.
Safe for plants and fish, use Laguna Pond Granules weekly to keep your pond healthy and looking great. This is one product that does not disappoint. An essential part of any water gardener’s maintenance kit.
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