Thursday, 14 February 2013

Winter Reading

The winter months allow many water gardeners the opportunity to relax from their usual summer pond maintenance duties and recharge until the spring. It also allows people to spend time learning more about their pond, planning projects for the new year and researching new varieties of plants!

A wide variety of great publications exist to educate, entertain and inspire home gardeners with practical information and plenty of personal stories from authors and editors who truly live their passion. At Laguna, we know that ponds and water features comprise only a portion of the greater gardening experience, which is why we enjoy following many publications in order to keep up with new types of flowers and lilies, common garden critters, planting tips and more.

A couple of Laguna products have been featured in a recent edition of Gardens West magazine, a leading Canadian gardening publication since 1987. The magazine now produces four unique editions based on geographic region, and features zone-specific advice for gardeners of all experience levels.

Below you can see the Laguna SkimAway Skimmer Filter Fountain (bottom middle), as well as a Laguna Pond Spitter (bottom right), providing valuable water circulation while also creating a tranquil setting for any pond.

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